The Two Sams [AUDIOBOOK]
The Two Sams [AUDIOBOOK]
by Glen Hirshberg
Narrated by Kimberly M. Wetherell
Length: 7 Hrs 48 Min
With this unique collection, acclaimed author Glen Hirshberg breathes new life into an age-old literary tradition.
In the title story a husband struggles with the grief and confusion of losing two children, and forms an odd bond with the infant spectrals that visit him in the night. "Dancing Men" depicts one of the creepiest rites of passage in recent memory when a boy visits his deranged grandfather in the New Mexico desert. "Struwwelpeter" introduces us to a brilliant, treacherous adolescent whose violent tendencies and reckless mischief reach a sinister pinnacle as Halloween descends on a rundown Pacific Northwest fishing village. Tormented by his guilty conscience, a young man plumbs the depths of atonement as he and his favorite cousin commune with the almighty Hawaiian surf in "Shipwreck Beach". In "Mr. Dark¹s Carnival", a college professor confronts his own dark places in the form of a mysterious haunted house steeped in the folklore of grisly badlands justice.
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